array equals with classes
({ auto instance = new TestEqualsClass(1); [instance].should.equal([instance]); }).should.not.throwAnyException; ({ [new TestEqualsClass(2)].should.equal([new TestEqualsClass(1)]); }).should.throwException!TestException;
range equals
({ [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.equal([1, 2, 3]); }).should.not.throwAnyException; ({ [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.not.equal([2, 1, 3]); [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.not.equal([2, 3]); [2, 3].map!"a".should.not.equal([1, 2, 3]); }).should.not.throwAnyException; auto msg = ({ [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.equal([4, 5]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.equal(`[1, 2, 3].map!"a" should equal [4, 5].`); msg = ({ [1, 2].map!"a".should.equal([4, 5]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.equal(`[1, 2].map!"a" should equal [4, 5].`); msg = ({ [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.equal([2, 3, 1]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.equal(`[1, 2, 3].map!"a" should equal [2, 3, 1].`); msg = ({ [1, 2, 3].map!"a".should.not.equal([1, 2, 3]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.startWith(`[1, 2, 3].map!"a" should not equal [1, 2, 3]`);
custom range asserts
struct Range { int n; int front() { return n; } void popFront() { ++n; } bool empty() { return n == 3; } } Range().should.equal([0,1,2]); Range().should.contain([0,1]); Range().should.contain(0); auto msg = ({ Range().should.equal([0,1]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.startWith("Range() should equal [0, 1]"); msg = ({ Range().should.contain([2, 3]); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.startWith("Range() should contain [2, 3]. 3 is missing from [0, 1, 2]."); msg = ({ Range().should.contain(3); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.split("\n")[0].strip.should.startWith("Range() should contain 3. 3 is missing from [0, 1, 2].");
custom const range equals
struct ConstRange { int n; const(int) front() { return n; } void popFront() { ++n; } bool empty() { return n == 3; } } [0,1,2].should.equal(ConstRange()); ConstRange().should.equal([0,1,2]);
custom immutable range equals
struct ImmutableRange { int n; immutable(int) front() { return n; } void popFront() { ++n; } bool empty() { return n == 3; } } [0,1,2].should.equal(ImmutableRange()); ImmutableRange().should.equal([0,1,2]);
approximately equals
[0.350, 0.501, 0.341][0.35, 0.50, 0.34], 0.01); [0.350, 0.501, 0.341][0.35, 0.50, 0.34], 0.00001); [0.350, 0.501, 0.341][0.501, 0.350, 0.341], 0.001); [0.350, 0.501, 0.341][0.350, 0.501], 0.001); [0.350, 0.501][0.350, 0.501, 0.341], 0.001); auto msg = ({ [0.350, 0.501, 0.341][0.35, 0.50, 0.34], 0.0001); }).should.throwException!TestException.msg; msg.should.contain("Expected:[0.35±0.0001, 0.5±0.0001, 0.34±0.0001]"); msg.should.contain("Missing:[0.501±0.0001, 0.341±0.0001]");
approximately equals with Assert
Assert.approximately([0.350, 0.501, 0.341], [0.35, 0.50, 0.34], 0.01); Assert.notApproximately([0.350, 0.501, 0.341], [0.350, 0.501], 0.0001);
immutable string
immutable string[] someList; someList.should.equal([]);
Compare const objects
class A {} A a = new A(); const(A)[] arr = [a]; arr.should.equal([a]);